Helping organisations respond to COVID-19 through learning

In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and its potential impact, GO1 is aiming to assist organisations in providing the right training and support to employees.

Below, you’ll find a number of learning pathways - collections of online training courses, specifically designed to help your teams continue to perform and feel supported during this time of disruption and change.

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Further supporting pathways

Many organisations now require employees to work remotely, and flexibly, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. GO1 has curated further courses to ensure your employees are comfortable and supported in working remotely, for an indeterminate length of time. See below for collections aimed at managers and workers.

Optimising Productivity
00h 51m of content

For many, focus has moved from transtioning to remote working, and settling into a new normal. In this pathway, we cover the key principles of productivity, and provide practical steps for better time management, task prioritisation, and goal setting to assist your employees in remaining productive, long term.

Information and Data Security
01h 49m of content

Rates of cyber criminal attacks are higher than ever as more people work from home. In these uncertain times, employees need to be extra vigilant when it comes to what information they share, and with whom. We have curated a collection of courses to ensure your employees adapt safely, and understand the risks and mitigations associated with information and data security.

Take Care of Yourself: Mental Health & Wellbeing
02h 26m of content

Whatever your situation, positive mental health helps you to realise your own potential, cope with life's stresses and feel productive, connected and valued in your community (WHO 2020). In times of uncertainty, our wellbeing and the security of our community can often feel compromised. To help, we've curated some effective courses to support you.

Equip Yourself as a Remote Worker
01h 29m of content

As an individual working remotely, you are faced with a unique set of challenges - managing the transition from workspace to homespace, remaining productive and communicative, and ensuring your wellness and mental health is in check. Access this collection of curated courses to ensure you are equipped to work optimally, virtually.

Leading Remote Workers Pathway
01h 32m of content

As a manager, you have a special responsibility for getting the most out of others, which can be challenging in times of disruption. Check out this curated pathway of courses to equip yourself to work comfortably from home, while maintaining productivity and supporting your team successfully.

COVID-19 Workplace Response Pathway
01h 57m of content

Due to Coronavirus, we’re seeing greater numbers of employees working remotely from home. There’s also an increased focus on the importance of hygiene practices and infection prevention in the workplace. We’ve created the COVID-19 Workplace Response Pathway to help you provide your staff with the training they need to feel protected and supported.